Opera Production During a Pandemic
We have a wonderful opportunity to offer to our group a presentation by Susan S. Ashbaker, Associate Professor and Director of the Westminster Opera Theatre and  
The CoOPERAtive Program at Westminster Choir College, entitled "Opera Production During a Pandemic." It will describe the multiple ways that WCC has produced virtual performances during this school year, exemplified in part by its upcoming April production of Mozart's Cosi Fan Tutte.  

Producing opera during a pandemic can be problematic.  In fact, many companies and schools are waiting it out.  At Westminster Choir College we've been innovating and experimenting.  Join Susan Ashbaker, Director of Westminster Opera Theatre, as she shares the novelties of preparing opera for performance.  Through the lens of Fall 2020's world premiere, the upcoming Così fan tutte, and creating opera programming for radio, get a "behind the scenes" understanding of what makes the magic these days!

Susan S. Ashbaker
Associate Professor, Director of Westminster Opera Theatre
Director, The CoOPERAtive Program, Westminster Choir College

For additional information about the performance please check out this link: